From our September 1st Prayer Session …
Heavenly Father,
We believe in Your power, wisdom, and truth. You who moves mountains, You who calms storms, You who conquered death. We believe in a victorious life, a life blessed by Your grace and mercy.
Lord God, we ask for forgiveness when we’ve failed to seek You first. We want to become a community, a nation, a world of believers – walking humbly, seeing people as more valuable than ourselves, remaining teachable through Your Word.
We pray to you, Lord, and ask that your Holy Spirit enter our souls and deepen our relationship with You. We need Your guidance to refine us, causing us to be still and listen for Your whisper that will lead us on the path You have set out for our individual lives. Godly peace – Your perfect peace – passes all understanding and through our relationship with You it flows into us, transforms us, and flows out to others. We pray that the world see Jesus in us.
Take our focus away from self and becoming arrogant and prideful during these turbulent times, Father. We pray that we don’t think we are better than others or build ourselves up by serving and then boasting. We want to serve humbly, lovingly, full of acceptance and void of judgment. We ask for the courage to trust in Your wisdom and to make You the center of our lives, walking by faith. In doing this, we are fulfilling Your plans and honoring You alone.
We pray in the strong name of Jesus. Amen.
James 3:13: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.
As believers, let’s all join together and say, “Our Father in heaven knows best.” And then walk in that knowledge every day.