907 Avenue B, Langhorne, PA info@parklandchurch.org – 215 757-7580

The messages are rooted in scripture and relate to our everyday lives and our ever evolving relationship with Jesus Christ.

God in Control

From our January 1st (New Years Day) gathering at Parkland Community Church!  Join Robert, as he discusses the new year – how God is still in control, and how we (still) really can change the world for the better. 


From our December 18th gathering at Parkland Church.  Our Advent in Plain Sight Series and the Fourth week of Advent – Love.   In this sermon the Psalmist compares healthy trees to those who delight in the Lord. 


From our December 11th gathering at Parkland Church.  Our Advent in Plain Sight Series and the third week of Advent – Joy.   In this sermon Isaiah reminds us to guard ourselves; and in strengthening ourselves with the complete reliance on God, we begin to walk the path of Jesus.   


From our December 4th gathering at Parkland Church.  Our Advent in Plain Sight Series and the second week of Advent.   In this sermon Jeremiah warns of people promising peace to divert attention from an otherwise wicked world. 


From our November 27th gathering at Parkland Church.  Our Advent in Plain Sight Series and the first week of Advent.   In this sermon Pastor Susan puts us at the threshold of something new and something wonderful.